
Frequently Asked Questions

For easier navigation – we’ve split our FAQ into these sections:

  • Tuition Related
  • Gymnastics Programs Related

Tuition Related

What is the class schedule, and how do I withdraw?

Our classes run September – August (e.g., September 5, 2023 – August 26, 2024). As stated in our policies (located in the Parent Portal), after your initial minimum 2 month commitment, we require 30 days written notice to withdraw from classes otherwise your enrollment will remain active until the end of August. This notice can be emailed to info@westkelownagymnastix.ca.

How will you communicate information to me?

We use 2 primary forms of communication: phone calls and emails. Our emails will either come from our client database, Jackrabbit, or from our business email, info@westkelownagymnastix.ca
If for some reason you are not receiving Jackrabbit emails, you may need to search your “Junk” or “Spam”, as they sometimes accidentally get flagged as such! The email address most commonly associated with our Jackrabbit emails is: noreply@jackrabbittech.com. Search this in your email, and make ensure our emails aren’t labelled spam!

Also, all of our emails sent through Jackrabbit are available to be viewed for 1 year through your Parent Portal.

What are all these fees?

We have 2 annual fees and recurring tuition fees. When you first sign up to our programs, you will be charged our 2 annual fees, and your monthly tuition fee.

Our 2 annual fees are:
– Annual Gymnastics BC Membership/Insurance Fee
– Student Registration Fee ($20)

The Gymnastics BC Insurance Fee is required for all participants in a Gymnastics BC affiliated gym, and covers you for all our regularly scheduled programs in the gym, as well as any other Gymnastics BC affiliated gym in BC. This insurance is valid between September – August of the yearly session in which you purchased the Gymnastics BC membership. If you’re not sure, just ask us!
If you purchased valid Gymnastics BC Insurance through another gym before coming to us, send us an email with information on where and when you bought it, so we can process that on our end. 

Your monthly tuition is calculated by:
– how many classes you have left out of 4 classes in the month (pro-rated if required)
– how many classes you’re taking per week (see next point for discounts)
You can see monthly tuition of each class on our website next to each program, or on your Parent Portal.

Do you provide discounts for siblings?

We offer 2 types of discounts:
– Sibling Discount – 20% off each least expensive class after the first student (if you have 3 children, the 2 least expensive classes will receive the discount)
– Multi Class Discount – 20% off each least expensive class after the first class (if one child takes 3 classes, the 2 least expensive classes will receive the discount)

Each class is only eligible for one (1) discount at a time. Competitive tuition is not eligible for these discounts.

Does your Parent Portal accept Visa Debit?

No. You can, however, provide your banking details instead. If you would prefer to pay with your debit card (or cash) in person, we do require tuition to be paid in 3 month instalments.

Can I get a statement for tax, or other purposes?

Of course! You can view your transaction history (and even update your payment information) through the Parent Portal or email us at info@westkelownagymnastix.ca and request a statement.

I just got an email saying my payment was declined, what happens now?

Our system as identified that your payment method has failed. If we do not receive payment in 48 hours, a $30 NSF fee will be applied to your account. Here are a few things you can do to avoid this fee:
– Log on to your Parent Portal, check your billing information (such as expiry date, account number etc.), and then try processing the payment again.
– Make sure you’re not trying to process a debit card- remember, our system can’t process these! Update your information to a credit card, or a bank account.
– If it’s still not working, send us an email or give us a call to let us know you’re looking into it, and we may be able to help!

I applied for funding, what now?

Once you’ve applied for funding, you can send us the confirmation of approval so we know to look out for a cheque from that organization. (Make sure they have our correct address!)
We still require payment upfront on the 1st of each month until your funding arrives. Once we receive the cheque, we will apply the amount received to your account. We will then call you to ask whether you would like:
a) to have the amount credited to your account for future use, or
b) to be refunded up to the applied amount of the cheque.

If you choose option a, we will use the credited amount for future tuition and charges until it’s depleted. If you choose option b, you will be refunded up to the applied amount of the cheque (how much you’ve already paid for), and then we will continue taking payments for tuition and charges from your payment method on file after the rest of the cheque amount has been used.

If you have further questions, or receive funding from a school (e.g. home school funding organizations), please email info@westkelownagymnastix.ca.

We’re going to miss a class, what happens then?

We offer makeup classes for all missed classes! These makeup classes are eligible for 4 weeks after the recorded absence (as long as it is still the same session and participants are active members), and can be booked through your Parent Portal. We allow booking of makeups up to 7 days in advance. If you’re looking to book a makeup in a different class, please call (778 754 7716) or email us (info@westkelownagymnastix.ca) so we can help schedule this for you!

Gymnastics Program Related

My child has never done gymnastics before, what class should I put them in?

For gymnastics, we recommend starting in FUNdamentals I. The FUNdamentals program is designed to introduce your child to gymnastics starting with the important foundational movements, as well as helping them learn how we operate in the gym. The FUNdamentals Program is a multi-level program designed to prepare your children for any sport we offer in the gym (and provide tools for them to use outside of the gym too). So, if your child fits best in this program, great! Otherwise, this program also gives our coaches the best chance to assess your child, and recommend an alternative if they believe another class would suit your child more.

My child was in a competitive team before/ my child is interested in competitive gymnastics, what’s the process for competitive teams?

We have a few different competitive channels to explore!
If your child has never done competitive gymnastics and is looking to explore that option:
Super Girls (ages 5-7) – invite only, email wagteam@kelownagymnastix.ca for an assessment OR through recommendation from your coach

WAG Performance (ages 8+) – open for registration for any girl 8+ that would like to work towards competitive gymnastics (CCP or Xcel – check out our Pre-Competitive/Competitive Program Page here for more info or to register)

If your child was competitive, or you’re looking for a more competitive option- please check out our competitive team page here for more information on our programs, and email info@kelownagymnastix.ca (for Acrobatic Gymnastics, Men’s Artistic Gymnastics, or Competitive Tumbling and Trampoline – these teams train at our Kelowna location only) or wagteam@kelownagymnastix.ca (for Women’s Artistic Gymnastics or Xcel) for an assessment.